Whazzat is where our cat, Little Devil will post new photographs of things even we don't know what they are. Strange medical equipment, odd animals, twisted literature. We want you to help him figure out what these things are so please post all your ideas and any questions you have about the item. It's a game of sorts. Who knows, maybe we'll send you something special as a prize if you convince me you're right!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dime Show Exhibit

Here it is folks! Bring your dimes cause Trundle Manor has something you gotta see. But be warned, it costs a dime, and there aint no wheeling and dealing here.


  1. The best 10 cents I've spent since the days of Autenreith’s, 5 & dime on Braddock Ave.

  2. You say it costs but a dime. But what dime. a Canadian Dime, American? British? Modern? Future? Past? any certain era. or certain place. Perhaps stolen from the eyes of a dead sailor from the shores of Innsmouth? Really One should be most specific when one tells another to bring certain currency.

  3. Awwww. I only got two nickels.
